RED Mountain Resort BC Canada


Red Mountain Resort

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Red Mountain Resort

In Rossland, an Kanadas berühmtem Powder Highway, bietet das RED Mountain Resort 1.164 Hektar Gelände für wahre Skifahrernaturen. Das neueste Ski-Erlebnis in RED: Per Pistenraupe gelangen Abenteurer für 10 $ pro Abfahrt zu Steilhängen am Mt. Kirkup. Mit durchschnittlich 7,6 Metern Schneefall, weitläufigen, gut präparierten Pisten, sagenhafter Vertikale, 360-Grad-Abfahrten von manchen Gipfeln und unglaublichem Tree-Skiing-Gelände, zieht dieser Berg vor allem jene Skifahrer an, die das Außergewöhnliche und Authentische suchen.


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  • Gelände 1,164ha/2,877ac
  • Höhe 2,075m/6,0807ft
  • Schneefall pro Jahr 762cm/300in
  • Vertikale 890m/2,919ft
  • Lifte/Pisten 6/110
  • Längste Abfahrt 7km/4.3mi
  • Nächster Flughafen Trail Regional Airport


  • leicht 18%
  • mittel 31%
  • schwer 51%

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Bewertungen lesen
  • Dec 27, 2024: “I wish I could give 5 stars but this time out they get a 3. Red mountain and staff were world class when it came to service and the ski runs were fantastic. The 3 stars is the result of the resort allowing a pompous arrogant jerk and his entourage to jump lines, bullying people who were waiting for up to an hour for a lift and causing much frustration for everyone involved. Turns out the arrogant jerk was Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with his RCMP thugs. How can this fantastic resort allow such arrogance to run amok and cause so much chaos when people spend hundreds if not thousands of hard earned dollars to enjoy a well deserved vacation here.” 0
  • Feb 10, 2024: “We had 2 1/2 days of fabulous snow and skiing on this mountain. It was our first time here and we loved everything about it. The mountain is a quick 8 minutes from the town of Rossland. Parking is free and right at the base of the lodge. There are lockers outside, but everyone leaves their things in either the cubbies in the coffee shop or in the base lodge restaurant. They offer free tours of the mountain at 9am and 1 pm. My husband took the intermediate tour and I did the beginner tour with Sue. I highly recommend doing this first thing. The mountain is large and it was great to get insight on where to go and the best way to navigate the terrain. We ate at the Constella Clubhouse our first day- pretty little place and then the 2nd day at the Paradise Lodge. They are near each other and are accessed by the Paradise Lift. Even though the lifts are all slow, we still managed to get in a lot of vertical because we rarely waited in a line. Rafters after skiing for a drink and snack is also a must. Great vibe. We rarely stay at the base of the mountain, but there are very few places to stay in Rossland. We will make an exception next time we visit.” 1
  • Mar 28, 2023: “Red Mountain is truly a hidden gem. I love that there are no lift lines and no crowds. We skied here for five days and had a blast! Fun tree skiing. My favorite tree runs were off of Motherlode and the Grey lift. We skied at least 15k feet each day even with the super slow lifts. If you are looking for a village type resort like Whistler, then go to Whistler. Red never disappoints.” 2


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