Fernie Alpine Resort BC Canada


Fernie Alpine Resort

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Fernie Alpine Resort

Wer Pulverschnee wirklich liebt, nimmt den Weg in diese südöstliche Ecke von BC auf sich, um im Fernie Alpine Resort Skifahren zu gehen. Jedes Jahr wird das Skiresort von beinahe 11 Metern Schnee bedeckt, und zählt damit zu den schneereichsten Skidestinationen Kanadas. Ein absolutes Muss: Fahre mit dem Sessellift Polar Peak auf zu einem der höchsten Gipfel in der Lizard Range und genieße von dort die steile Abfahrt durch den Tiefschnee (Vertikale: 1.082 Meter).

Abseits der Piste kannst Du eine Snowmobil-Tour unternehmen oder einfach die Lebensart in den Bergen von BC genießen. Der Ort Fernie gilt als Hotspot, wenn es um Theater, Kunstgalerien und gute Restaurants geht.



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  • Gelände 1,013ha/2,503ac
  • Höhe 2,134m/7,000ft
  • Schneefall pro Jahr 899cm/354in
  • Vertikale 1,082m/3,550ft
  • Lifte/Pisten 10/142
  • Längste Abfahrt 5km/3mi
  • Nächster Flughafen Canadian Rockies International Airport


  • leicht 30
  • mittel 40
  • schwer 30

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Bewertungen lesen
  • Apr 9, 2020: “We're a couple of 'Motoring/Travel Journalists', catering for German and Australian media. As you would expect we ski every year around the world (for 26 years) and usually only make repeat visits if we really like a place. Fernie is listed in our top 6 in the world and our number one in Canada, although we have another couple of places we like, namely Apex and Revelstoke. Yes, we like the steep and deep, but Fernie is a resort able to cater for all tastes and all skiing abilities. This year was our 8th visit to this mountain and again, we where not disappointed. Although we had little new snow for the 5 days, all groom-able runs where perfectly prepared, even some of the steeper ones. Here and there we could find some untracked runs of about 30cm new white bliss, especially close to trees. This year the emphasis was on speed and carving, which was so much fun and a whole lot different from what we experienced days earlier at Revelstoke. Why do we like Fernie? It offers a lot of skiing variety including some magnificent ski-in, ski-out facilities, like for instance the Lizard Creek Lodge with a chair-lift only 40m from the front door. As mentioned earlier, Fernie has something for every standard of skiing. A lot of runs are protected by trees, great when the weather gets nasty and visibility bad. The drive to the town of Fernie takes only 15 Minutes and on offer are great eateries, shops, drinking holes and entertainment. Fernie is well worth a visit with the possibility to fall into love with the place and . . .” 0
  • Mar 14, 2020: “My ski trip started with having a shocker (bank decided to block me out and it all spiralled from there) Anyway when proceeding to buy tickets an amazing human being with the name of Ursula saved me, put my trip back on track and just cannot explain how much of a wonderful human being she was. Thank you so much to Ursula from the girl having a nightmare in the pink ski suit!! Words cannot describe the kindness of this woman! The hill was awesome too! ” 1
  • Feb 28, 2020: “Have skied a number of Canadian resorts but found Fernie challenging. Quite steep and not big on grooming. However lovely light snow so when conditions are right it’s great.” 2



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